Helen's day

Helen's day

Helen* is an administrator in a care home. She also keeps chickens, looks after her home, provides support for her adult children and is working to battle traumatic effects of violence against women.

*The photographer wished to remain anonymous, so this is not her real name.

CONTENT NOTE: rape and abuse


feeding 'red clyde' who keeps our draughty old house cosy

Feeding 'Red Clyde' who keeps our draughty old house cosy





I'm at work today, so I take a cup of tea to my partner in bed

I'm at work today, so I take a cup of tea to my partner in bed





Time to let the hens out.

Time to let the hens out. It's freezing so I give them extra high-energy food as a treat. They refuse to leave their run in the snow.




Typing, typing

Typing...typing. I currently work as an administrator. In a rural area jobs are hard to find. This is not a good job. The days are very long.




Home from work and out to give the hens their evening corn treat

Home from work and out to give the hens their evening corn treat.





I stay in touch with my adult children and their partners, who live on the other side of the world, through our international book club. Here I commiserate with them about melted snowmen and salted boots. t

I stay in touch with my adult children and their partners, who live on the other side of the world, through our international book club. Here I commiserate with them about melted snowmen and salted boots.




Time for a bit of cleaning so we can have a relaxing weekend

Time for a bit of cleaning so we can have a relaxing weekend





Preparing a quick and easy (but healthy to offset the wine) dinner.

Preparing a quick and easy (but healthy to offset the wine) dinner.





Darkness is falling so time to tuck the hens up in bed.

Darkness is falling so time to tuck the hens up in bed.





I was raped and abused by someone I love. This is the homework my therapist gave me.

I was raped and abused by someone I love. This is the homework my therapist gave me.

Like millions of women all over the world, overcoming the effects of this trauma is by far the hardest work I do all day, every day.

But I am succeeding.

And the chickens help.

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