a day in the life of tricia, an administrator in thornton
What will you be doing between 6am and 7am?
Getting up at 6.30 am, have a coffee.
What will you be doing between 7am and 8am?
Getting washed, do hair and make up, have another coffee, let dog out, get kids up, iron school clothes, ensure kids get clothes on, prepare breakfast. Hoover whilst kids eat.
What will you be doing between 8am and 9am?
Feeding dog, sorting school bags/dinner money/tuck, walk dog whilst walking kids part way to school. Make sure dog run is tidy and dog has water before I leave for work. Top up fluids in car if necessary.
What will you be doing between 9am and 10am?
Leaving to go to work. Purchase lunch at shop if I have time/ remember. Arrive at work. Check emails and action. Plan ahead for the day's work.
What will you be doing between 10am and 11am?
Working hard, assisting colleagues where necessary, carry out day to day work.
What will you be doing between 11am and 12pm?
Working hard (getting hungry as no breakfast!)
What will you be doing between 12pm and 1pm?
Working hard, eat sandwich if it was bought, if not nip out for soup or something.
What will you be doing between 1pm and 2pm?
Preparing for next day's work plan.
What will you be doing between 2pm and 3pm?
Finish work at 2.30, drive home by 3 pm.
What will you be doing between 3pm and 4pm?
Pick kids up from school, walk dog then prepare kids snack. Put a washing on, start tidying up.
What will you be doing between 4pm and 5pm?
Start preparing tea, organise homework if necessary or football clothes.
What will you be doing between 5pm and 6pm?
Cleaning up kids dinner dishes, do other dishes, wipe down all bunkers and dining table. Possibly hoover. Sort washing and tumble dry. Sort more drinks for kids. Try and get a coffee made!
What will you be doing between 6pm and 7pm?
Checking on tumble drying clothes. Feed the dog, help kids with homework, tidy up downstairs. Take clean clothes upstairs and sort out / put away.
What will you be doing between 7pm and 8pm?
Prepare bath for kids (twice), get pyjamas on, organise supper for them. Give dog more water. Possibly hoover when kids in bath if not already done. Some play time with kids doing jigsaw or drawing. Speak to husband on phone quickly as he works away.
What will you be doing between 8pm and 9pm?
Tidy up play time items, brush kids teeth, take to bed, put film on for short while.
What will you be doing between 9pm and 10pm?
Guaranteed to be up and down making sure kids stay in bed. Have a quick bath, dry hair, make a coffee and sit down for half an hour to watch TV, try catch up with husband properly, then go to bed.
What will you be doing between 10pm and 11pm?
Chilling in bed watching TV / playing on phone for half an hour.
What will you be doing between 11pm and 12pm?
Sleeping hopefully! Or awake still if past the tired stage!