a day in the life of Sarah, a GP in Orkney
I'll get up at...
And then I...
Get myself ready for work, kids ready for school. Breakfast for everyone, do dishes. Do a load of washing. Check emails work & personal. Drop kids at Grandma's head to work at 8am.
My day will consist of...
MDT meeting partners, District and McMillan nurses 8.30-9. 9-12pm morning surgery 15-18 patients. 12-2pm Paperwork, review inpatient in McMillan unit. If time visit elderly grandfather. 2-4.30pm afternoon surgery 12-15 patients. (I'm a GP) 4.30-6pm paperwork. Home quick dinner ( I would usually have prepared day before, so husband can heat up and feed kids if I'm late home). 18.30 swim run. Go to gym when son at swimming club 7-8pm. Home by 8.30pm. Sort tea for tomorrow put away load of washing. Catch up on emails/FB/Twitter. 10pm bed early start on 9th flying to Inverness for course and time keeping at a swim gala at night.
I'll look after...
Myself and three children
Other things I'll do in the day are...
Try to fit in a run. Check progress of play park trying to install. Funding secured last year. Try to promote marathon that I am on the committee organising.
I'll go to bed after...
Everything is sorted or I'm too tired to be any use!