a day in the life of Sarah, a businesswoman in Scotland
My day will consist of...
All my days are working days. Some of them are mostly childcare and housework, some of them are paid work for my business. I often reply to emails and do tasks for my paid work in between caring for my three young sons, even on a non-business day.
I'll look after...
My work also includes arranging childcare so that I can do my business work. For three small children this includes school, nursery, playgroup, lunchclub, after school club, three different relatives as well as my husband and I. There is an enormous amount of work involved just in arranging, paying for, updating, scheduling and meeting just these childcare providers. I often have difficulty making meetingns and networking opportunities in my sector- for example today there is a meet up that it would be good for my business, that I would like to go to- but it's at 5.30, the time when "normal people" ie men, can leave work- but for anyone needing to pick up children that's an impossible time to make.
other things I'll do in the day are...
I should also say that going to work does not mean that the domestic tasks are done by someone else- it just squeezes making lunchboxes, washing up, ironing and washing clothes, making meals into "leisure" time, or outside office hours. Or during lunch breaks, as when I'm working at home.