a day in the life of R, a university student in glasgow
What will you be doing between 6am and 7am?
Wake up, shower, wake kids up, wake husband up.
What will you be doing between 7am and 8am?
Prepare breakfast for everyone, put lunches in respective bags, get kids dressed and ready, get myself ready, get all bags ready.
What will you be doing between 8am and 9am?
Childminder. Leave for work. Unpaid placement as part of university. Change into uniform, prepare for the day with mentor.
What will you be doing between 9am and 10am?
Begin working in clinics, helping mentor, practicing new skills.
What will you be doing between 10am and 11am?
As above.
What will you be doing between 11am and 12pm?
Finish up clinic.
What will you be doing between 12pm and 1pm?
Lunch. Prepare for afternoon's work.
What will you be doing between 1pm and 2pm?
Drive to new clinic. Prepare room, carry out tasks required.
What will you be doing between 2pm and 3pm?
Clinic as above.
What will you be doing between 3pm and 4pm?
Finishing clinic, tidying room, driving to office.
What will you be doing between 4pm and 5pm?
Finalising paperwork, going over assessment with mentor, and university paperwork.
What will you be doing between 5pm and 6pm?
Change out of uniform, drive home, prepare food, serve and eat dinner.
What will you be doing between 6pm and 7pm?
Prepare kids for bed, play, story time, tidying house.
What will you be doing between 7pm and 8pm?
Kids in bed. Tidy kitchen. Go on Facebook. Make lunches for next day. Clean kitchen. Hang washing/put washing away/put a washing on.
What will you be doing between 8pm and 9pm?
Beer. Tidy.
What will you be doing between 9pm and 10pm?
Bed. Watch TV.