a day in the life of moo, a writer in edinburgh
I'll get up at...
as Wednesday is always a long, tiring, emotional day for me, I'll get up late - probably 10am
And then I...
..will wash, clothe, feed myself (not always in that order) and check what I need to do that day on the list I make before i go to sleep every night
My day will consist of...
trying not to let myself be overtaken by problems, or admin, or basic household stuff (shopping, laundry, cooking, etc) - I'll write. That's my job. I'll write and I'll deal with things pertaining to my wider work - liaise and connect with other humans. This is also good for my mental health.
I'll look after...
..myself. Something I've only recently learned to do well. That's harder than it sounds.
Other things I'll do in the day are...
..eat fruit and veg, drink water, go out for a short walk to keep my lungs working and release the physical tension of a solitary sedentary life
I'll go to bed after...
midnight, probably.. i don't sleep well. I will read a book, and be glad to find solace in it.