a day in the life of lily, a graduate trainee in edinburgh
I'll get up at...
7am (by which I mean my alarm will go off about 6.30 and I'll read in bed for as long as I can get away with before finally getting up around 7.10)
And then I...
Shower, get dressed (probably a pair of smart trousers and a sweater), eat some cereal and walk to work - my walk takes about 25 minutes.
My day will consist of...
each day is quite unpredictable. I work as an executive assistant to a Director-level exec in an insurance company, so I'll be responding to tasks for her. At the start of the day I will be running a briefing meeting for her to make sure she's prepared for an important meeting at lunchtime. Later in the day the women's network are holding a 'lunch and learn' type event because it's International women's day. I'm studying for a professional qualification at the moment so I'll try to get some time working on that in.
I'll look after...
Myself! I'll call my mum at some point that day, because recently I've been finding looking after myself quite tough.
Other things I'll do in the day are...
I'll probably spend the evening knitting or reading. I haven't sorted out internet in my new flat (I just moved) yet, so no TV! I might do some work on a writing project I have going on.
I'll go to bed after...
Having some sort of evening meal (probably soup), around 10.30pm