A day in the life of a lecturer in Glasgow

I'll get up at...


And then I...

Feed cat and give her medicine, let her out. Get ready for work. Feed dog. Let cat in. Leave for work at 7.10am

My day will consist of...

Bus to Waverley, train to Glasgow, walk to work: lecturer at City of Glasgow College in Digital Art & Culture. 8.45 - 5pm. Student guidance sessions and staff meetings. Prep for next classes.

I'll look after...

20 students, several with learning disabilities (dyslexia)/mental health issues (anxiety & depression) /behavioural issues (Aspergers, Autism spectrum, ADHD) Deliver teaching in shared classroom with another lecturer and their class due to lack of space throughout faculty - very stressful.

Other things I'll do in the day are...

Two phone calls to check my elderly mother is a. Alive b. Taken her medications c. Doesn't feel alone all day. Probably speak to medical team /palliative care team or arrange appointments. Two further phone calls before she goes to bed. Or visit her and make her tea, clean and tidy house, put on a washing, throw out of date food away, help her with paperwork.

I'll go to bed after...


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